
See our development service details so you can select your package and schedule your initial consultation today...

Business Establishment (BE)

Services to establish your for profit or non profit as a legal entity area must. You can't be in business

unless you have registered it with the governing bodies or district where your business operates.

Also, without business, strategic, and sustainability plans, your business will atrophy.

  • For Profit & Non Profit Filing

  • EIN & SAM registration support

  • Business Plan Development

  • Development

  • Marketing, Strategic, Sustainability Plan Add-Ons

  • By-Laws & Operational Structure

Business Consulting

Our consulting happens in multiple ways to suit your budget & learning style. We can provide premium one-on-one consulting,

develop a custom hybrid consulting package, or choose online courses to get you and your organization where you need to be.

  • Hourly Custom Consulting

  • For Profit & Non Profit Business Est. Courses

  • Business Plan Writing Courses

  • Development Packages (Organizational &/or Workforce Courses)

Comprehensive Development Services

Development is our main service. We provide consulting, services, and training that help you develop as a leader, develop your nonprofit or for profit, and

we assist with supplementing or fully integrating your Development Department which is essential for nonprofits to cultivate grant dollars and fundraising activities.

Workforce Development is essential for cultivating your board of directors, executives, management, clinicians, front line staff, and volunteers.


Every great organization becomes successful because of its leadership. This includes

expanding your own knowledge and growth as a founder, entrepreneur, manager and leader.

  • Board of Directors Development

  • Management Success Training

  • From Employee to Entrepreneur Training

  • Specialized Consulting


What most businesses (especially nonprofits) lack, is the know-how regarding organizational development.

This is the foundation for business success and growth (aka, scaling your business).

  • Policies, Processes & Procedures

  • Proposal Writing Master Course

  • Custom Designed Organizational Development Training for your Unique Business Needs


Unless you have a business that can run completely on Artificial Intelligence, you must develop your workforce. There must also be a commitment to those you serve. That commitment needs to be consistent throughout the organization.

  • Frontline Staff & Management Training

  • Self Care for Staff Retention

  • Custom Designed Workforce Development Training for your Unique Business Needs

Additional Essential Services

We provide an array of Additional or Add On services. Set up an initial consult and we will develop a

Business Establishment, ongoing Consulting or Development Package that is right for you.


New and grassroots nonprofits must learn that it is nearly impossible to win municipal, state, and government grants if your organization is not accredited. And many other human service programs need to be licensed or certified in order to be eligible to bid and secure large contracts.

  • Accreditation Education & Support Services

  • Licensing Process Preparation & Support


Our expertise is in clinical services to children, youth, individuals, and families. Most nonprofits want to make real change in the lives of those they serve and evidenced based, billable, clinical services is the proven method to provide lasting positive life changes.

  • Clinical Services Establishment, Consulting, & Oversight

Service Network

Our organization developed due to our network of leaders who share a commitment to one another's growth.

As your mission develops and enterprise needs change, you will be connected to support systems that will empower your organization to scale.

  • Administrative Support

  • Information Technology & Automation

  • International & Legal Counsel

  • Marketing & Brand Development

  • Social Media Presence & CRM Refinement

  • Billing Services

  • Data Science, Logistics, & Supply Chain

(313) 942-4550
